"Neither of us wants me to clean your butt, and yet...."
"If I put your leg in the armhole, the snowsuit won't fit."
"'Daddy' can be used to call Daddy."
"No help! I'll slide down on my butt!"
"Sometimes you trust me to hold Thomas."
"Trucks and trains! and sometimes butterflies."
"If I'm happier when I have a truck, why shouldn't you be?"
"I guess you just never had a chance to be selfish before."
"If *Daddy* makes a mess, *you* don't have to apologize."
"Will you recognize it as a bathroom?"
"You can't pick that up because you're standing in it."
"Your mother doesn't understand about the magnets."
"Do you like the pictures because you know it's you, or because you don't?"
"I wondered why you said that until I heard myself say it."
"You always lose the toy you love."
"Sometimes 'stuck' really does mean 'stuck'. But the level of enthusiasm makes me suspicious."
"I keep imagining remembering you doing that."
"Looking in the refrigerator is much more fun than eating."
"There is joy in pointing the feet on the table at dinner, and there is joy in taking them off again."
"You clap for yourself when you are helpful, and sometimes when you are not."
"Let's play I-pretend-not-to-look-where-I'm-gong-and-fall-off-the-edge-so-you-can-catch-me."
"You know it's a bad day when the baby is the bright spot."
"It was a bad idea to teach him that game."
"You can't jump high enough to catch the pigeon in that tree. And it won't help if I pick you up, either."
"You wouldn't hug grandma like that if you knew she wanted us to stop giving you your bottle."